Greek Holidays and Traditions
In Partnership with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Greek Holidays and Traditions are a big part of Greek life in the Diaspora. This new mini-course on the various Greek holidays and traditions provides engaging new learning materials for all the major holidays celebrated in Greece and the Greek Diaspora. This is accompanied by small texts that describe the events and popular customs on each particular holiday. Learners will also find illustrations, relevant Greek vocabulary, poems and songs related to each holiday and celebration. The course content will be updated frequently.

•Πρωτοχρονιά (New Years Day)
•Θεοφάνια (Theophany)
•Απόκριες (Apokries or Carnival)
•25η Μαρτίου (25th of March / Greek Independence Day)
•Πάσχα (Greek Easter)
•Δεκαπενταύγουστος (The Dormition of the Mother of God)
•28η Οκτωβρίου (Oxi Day)
•Χριστούγεννα (Christmas)