Greek Language and Culture Courses for Heritage Learners
Our Courses

Beginners Greek Ages 4+
Explore a small neighborhood, meet new friends and learn about the seasons, the colours, the animals, parts of the body and much more! Listen to old favorite and original songs, sing along and learn more than a hundred Greek words and phrases. Enjoy 10+ animated videos, hundreds of colorful flashcards and interactive activities and discover how exciting and fun learning Greek can be!

Beginners Greek Ages 6+
Join the Heroes of the Disk in their quest to thwart the plans of a team of supervillains to steal some of the most important artifacts of Greek history and culture. Travel all over Greece, collect spy points and unlock different powers and rewards! Along the way you will learn to speak and understand Greek, and you will begin using what you have learned to introduce yourself, describe your family, your house, your school and much more!

Beginners Greek Ages 9+
Learn Greek through Greek mythology! Follow in the heroes’ footsteps, collect glory points and use them to unlock new myths and learn about the gods and the monsters inhabiting the mythological version of ancient Greece. Begin your journey of learning Greek along with Perseus, Odysseus and Ikarus. Take your first steps on the Greek language and learn words and expressions along with exciting mythological stories.

Beginners Greek Ages 13+
Learning Greek has never been easier! Following the principles of microlearning and gamification, use this course to take your first steps in the Greek language. With hundreds of flashcards, authentic language use examples and comprehensive guides, you will learn the Greek alphabetic system, beginner level communication skills and grammar fundamentals. This course has been designed to introduce you to the language, avoiding an overwhelmingly steep learning curve. Learning tools will offer the opportunity for a comprehensive monitoring of your learning experience and performance.

Greek Mythology for Young Learners
Greek mythology is full of fascinating stories of adventure, valor, but also hatred and revenge. Take a close look into the lives of the Olympians, learn about them and discover which part of Greece they are connected with. The course offers a kid friendly approach to the most famous ancient Greek myths.